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August 26, 2011

Just wanted to update everybody with some information about the podcast. LDP has been getting a little more attention than usual (begging works apparently) but I wanted to let everyone who is listening know that if you want to get updates on when the new show is coming out, upcoming topics, and useless facts it is imperative that you befriend the Like David Project Facebook page. If you don't know how to set that up, just click on the big blue "F" on the Like David Project homepage.

Also as we've been announcing on recent shows, Like David Project is now available on Stitcher. Stitcher basically is a application for your smart phone (Iphone/Android) that you download at your application store and can use to stream podcasts. It cuts out the already short time of having to go to itunes, download it, and then update your IPod/IPhone. So, please do yourself a favor and support Like David Project by supporting Stitcher. Here is the link for the website

Just one more thing! The podcast has been put out late this week, so don't think we've given up on anything. We are 8 strong now and will continue to grow and as always don't be a spectator, get on Facebook or our website and ask questions. Coming up with new topics every week isn't easy, I keep pushing for time travel but I keep getting shot down. It'll happen.