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R-E-J-E-C-T Find out what it means to me?

R-E-J-E-C-T Find out what it means to me?

Is rejection good for you? When is it okay to reject somebody or be rejected? Today we talk about how we precieve rejection and share some real life examples of rejection.
March 28, 2012
Lord, Save Us From Your Followers (Last One)

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers (Last One)

This is our final podcast discussing the topics of the documentary "Lord Save Us From Your Followers". Please remember that you DO NOT have to watch the film in order to listen to the podcast :)
January 11, 2012
Local Missions

Local Missions

After just returning from Haiti the LDP guys talk about how it affects the local mission of the church.
November 3, 2011
Christian INC?

Christian INC?

We talk about the Christian sub-culture and if it is harming the kingdom of God.
September 28, 2011
God Loves Grace

God Loves Grace

When has correction gone to far? When is there not enough grace? We discuss these things in detail.
September 21, 2011
The Miracle

The Miracle

In continuation from last week we talk a little more about God performing miracles in todays church.
August 31, 2011
A new year!

A new year!

We talk about New Years and how we want to take on 2012.
Posted January 18, 2012
The Jesus People

The Jesus People

We talk about the effect of the Jesus movement of the late 60's and early 70's. Is that capable today? What would it look like today? What effect did the Jesus movement have on us?
Posted September 19, 2012

Book Review

Posted August 2, 2012
Holy Matrimony

Holy Matrimony

Posted January 25, 2012
3 questions

3 questions

Posted February 28, 2013
Justice 2012

Justice 2012

The guys talk about justice and also the KONY viral video.
Posted March 14, 2012
Lord, Save Us From Your Followers (A discussion)

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers (A discussion)

We talk in depth about the documentary by Dan Merchant titled "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers". If you haven't seen the film, please don't hesitate to listen to the podcast. We tried to discuss ...
Posted December 14, 2011
Wrong Ways to Read the Bible

Wrong Ways to Read the Bible

We take a look at common mistakes in reading the bible.
Posted May 17, 2012
God is Everywhere

God is Everywhere

We discuss how to find God in the world outside of the church. Our discussion develops into something special on how to really talk to your friends about Jesus in this day and age. James takes the ...
Posted August 10, 2011
The bible and the ballot

The bible and the ballot

Due to some current events involving religion and voting, the LDP guys talked about how our walk with God should (or shouldn't) affect our voting.
Posted October 13, 2011
Does God still heal people?

Does God still heal people?

Posted August 28, 2011


We talk about a recent "This American Life" podcast about heretics.
Posted December 19, 2012
Idol's today?

Idol's today?

The group discusses what exactly are some of the things in today's culture that we put in the place of God. When have we crossed the line?
Posted September 7, 2011


What is the definition of grace? Is grace all about context?
Posted November 10, 2011
Hey Baldy!

Hey Baldy!

Matt and I sit down discuss a sometimes comical scriture verse. It involves bald men, she bears, and the murder of young people.
Posted April 26, 2012
Bad Things Happen to Good People

Bad Things Happen to Good People

The guys talk about how to get through bad times and more. An in depth conversation on what to do when your faith isn't strong.
Posted August 18, 2011
A closer look at Ekklesia Q&A

A closer look at Ekklesia Q&A

In this podcast we discuss in depth some of the questions asked at last Sunday's Ekklesia.
Posted May 11, 2012
Burn one down (Episode #5)

Burn one down (Episode #5)

Listen as we discuss marijuanna and our perspectives of the drug as a christian. Should it be legel because it's natural? Is it ok for christians to use it medicinally? Is it really a gateway drug?
Posted August 3, 2011
Occupy the Kingdom

Occupy the Kingdom

In light of the recent protesting across the country the LDP guys talk about how the church can play a role.
Posted October 19, 2011
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