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Stitcher (Round 2)!

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April 26, 2012

We are very proud to announce that LDP is now available on Stitcher! Some may ask what stiticher is. Stitcher is a podcasting service that allows you to listen to podcasts streaming from the internet instead of having to download the podcast. Normally when you want to listen to a podcast, you would need to go to iTunes and download the podcast and then next time when you synched your phone, the podcast would be on your phone. In our busy lives, these steps tend to be  complicated and too much. I personally love listening to podcasts and before using stitcher I would miss my favorite shows just because it was hard to synch daily with my computer. Now that you are sold on (I'm sure) stitcher, here is what you need to do to use it. Download stitcher from your application store on your phone (or tablet). Now when you click on stitcher for the first time you will need to register an account. Don't worry, since I first registered with sticher I've never had to put my password in again. So after you have created an account you will want to search for "Like David Project". It should pop up right away. When you click on it, the podcast will automatically start playing through your phone. Now in order to subscribe to LDP you will want to hit the star at the bottom of the screen. Now anytime a new podcast has been added, you will be notified. Then life is made easy, every week just open up stitcher and your most current LDP will be under favorites (all your subscriptions). I know this may be new to some but trust me when I say it makes listening and keeping up with podcasts ten times easier. If you are struggling with any part of listening to the podcast  on stitcher, feel free to call me at the church office and I will assist you in getting you set up!

PS: LDP is now titled Like David Project on Itunes and not multimedia homepage or whatever it was before. Hopefully this will make things easier :)