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Gungor Blog

May 02, 2012

This weeks podcast is based on a blog written by Michael Gungor from the band Gungor. Check it out!

Stitcher (Round 2)!

April 26, 2012

We are very proud to announce that LDP is now available on Stitcher! Some may ask what stiticher is. Stitcher is a podcasting service that allows you to listen to podcasts streaming from the internet instead of having to download the podcast. Normally when you want to listen to a podcast, you ...

Next weeks topic

April 20, 2012

Next week we will be talking about a blog written by Michael Gungor from the band Gungor. The blog is titled Zombies, Wine, and Christian music. Check out the blog and comment/e-mail any questions you may have that we can discuss....

New Webpage!

March 28, 2012

The Like David podcast has really been uping the ante lately. We all feel really comfortable with our talks and feel that we are gaining a small audiance. We are going to re-vamp things a bit and to start we have a new webpage! Please feel free to give us any feed back or share your opinons. Stay ...

News Update

August 26, 2011

Just wanted to update everybody with some information about the podcast. LDP has been getting a little more attention than usual (begging works apparently) but I wanted to let everyone who is listening know that if you want to get updates on when the new show is coming out, upcoming topics, and ...

Knowledge Droppings

July 20, 2011

Today the new podcast is out! It is really good! Just wanted to let you all know a few things. The Like David Project Podcast will be released EVERY Wednesday! If I don't post it on Wed than that means I'm busy. At that point, please call me and offer your assistance in helping out. Just ...

Episode #2 Discussion Piece

July 07, 2011

Episode #2 we are going to be talking about Rob Bell's book Love Wins and Francis Chan's Book Erasing Hell. Erasing Hell looks to be somewhat of a love filled response to Love Wins. I figure if we are going to hound you for questions, you might want to have some material to read about what we are ...

Ask Questions!

July 05, 2011

So we are officially starting the LDP today! We need YOU to ask questions. There are many ways to go about asking questions but the easiest way is to hit the "CONTACT US" on the menu up top and then fill out a question. Once we recieve your questions we will not only read it on our next podcast we ...